Aanandita Gupta

Aanandita Gupta

I am a

Work Experience

Software Developer

FX Digital| London, United Kingdom
September, 2022 – Present

Stack: React, Lightning JS, TypeScript, RxJs, Jest, Storybook

  • Elevated application efficiency by 20% through the development and maintenance of TV applications using React, Lightning JS, and TypeScript, underpinned by the optimized integration of APIs
  • Contributed to the development of a robust and performant codebase, collaborating efficiently with a team of 5
    developers and 3 QA professionals, leveraging agile methodologies for effective cross-platform development
  • Actively participated in code reviews resulting in a 40% reduction in bug incidences and enhancing code quality
  • Contributed to the creation of reusable UI components, enhancing development efficiency and facilitating their utilization across multiple client projects, thereby increasing productivity by 30%

Course Instructor

Code First Girls | London, United Kingdom
February, 2021 – Present
  • Coached 24 women and non-binary learners, advancing their capabilities in Full Stack Development through the CFG Degree Course, thereby contributing to the reduction of the gender disparity in tech


  • Fostered programming proficiency among 35 university students by teaching the course “Introduction to Web Development”, contributing to their career readiness

Software Developer

3RDi | London, United Kingdom
June, 2021 – August, 2022

Stack: Vue.js, Vuex, Vuetify, HighCharts, proto3, gRPC, GoLang, JavaScript, Azure, Figma

  • Orchestrated a complete redesign and development of the company’s main product, escalating performance by 40% and ensuring a fluid user interface
  • Developed and upheld detailed documentation, leading to a 60% reduction in onboarding time for incoming engineers and streamlining project onboarding process 
  • Collaborated effectively with the team to troubleshoot and debug software applications including setting up Vuex for improved state management thereby, decreasing bug-related delays by 30% 
  • Spearheaded the redesign of the company website, incorporating responsiveness, and atomic design methodologies

Freelancer Web Designer/Developer

June, 2020 – August 2022 

Stack: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Adobe XD, Figma, WordPress, Webflow, Wix

  • Working as a part time freelancer to design and develop websites. 
  • End to end project management 
  •  Yuvraj Nathani – Portfolio Website
  • ALMA Magazine 
  • Kuvam Fashions Pvt Ltd – B2B Website
  • WAMH Community

Front End Developer

Hynt | London, United Kingdom
February, 2020 – December, 2020

Stack: HTML, CSS, WordPress, AWS and Adobe XD.

  • Developed company website to establish company’s digital footprint that has attracted 5500 users in 4 months, including 70% organic traffic
  • Worked with UX team to design the company app

UI/UX Intern

Credenc | New Delhi, India
July, 2019 – August, 2019 

Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, PHP and Adobe XD.

  • Designed and programmed responsive HTML mailer for automated communication that increased the user retention, and subsequently conversion by 20%

  • Optimized the user experience (UX) by designing responsive web pages after analyzing the user behavior on Google Analytics

Teaching Volunteer

Mentored 10 children between the age of 7 to 14 on how to develop the Crumble Bot using scratch programming language.


Bachelor of Science, Creative Computing

Business and Computer Science


Arpeggios Music

ALMA Magazine

Kuvam Fashions
Pvt Ltd

Have a project in mind? Let's talk!