Aanandita Gupta


WAMH Website Link: https://wamh.in/ WAMH is a mental health based organisation. They have support group sessions that allow for people from across the join to join and attend and feel like they are a part of the community.  I started working with WAMH purely because it’s something I feel really strongly about. WAMH’s website has […]

Orpheus Ka Sangeet

Year 1 Creative Project – Orpheus Ka Sangeet The Live Music Box is an interactive, user-dependent (something) that reflects on human-device interaction.It will turn the users into our digitised versions of the ballerina you often see in music boxes. But instead of a solo performance we intend to make it about collaboration and fusing of […]

Audio Visual Graphics

Audio Visual Graphics Link to the code repository: https://gitlab.com/aanandita-gupta/audio-visual-graphics-1 Link to the web app: https://www.doc.gold.ac.uk/~agupt001/sound/core_minimal_vj/index.html

Aqua Anchor

Year 2 Creative Project – Aqua Anchor Aqua Anchor is an attempt at recreating the calming and hypnotic effects of nature using technology. Our aim was to give people a more accessible option, in a time when most of us are experiencing increasing amounts of stress. Link to the code repository: https://gitlab.com/aanandita-gupta/aqua-anchor Link to the video: https://vimeo.com/426224038

Yuvraj Nathani

Yuvraj Nathani Website Link: https://www.yuvrajnathani.com/ Yuvraj’s project brief included the design and development of his portfolio website. He had a rough idea of what he wanted to showcase on the website and we worked through the design planning and development together. This was a one-day project where I was given the deliverables in the morning […]


Hynt UI/UX Developer “Hynt is all about you, the community and the world that surrounds us all. Inessence, we are a social media platform catered for travelers, that brings you and the cities youvisit just that little bit closer together. “ I have been working at Hynt as a UI/UX Developer since February 2020. My […]